LGBTQ+ Support

Please Report Hate Crime when you see it!

What is hate crime?

Hate crime is a crime that has been committed against someone because of their:

  • Race;

  • Religion;

  • Sexual orientation;

  • Disability;

  • Transgender identity

These are called protected characteristics. You can experience Hate crime based on one or more of the above, or if you have been perceived to have one or more of these protected characteristics.

Impact of Hate Crime

If you have been a victim of hate crime you may feel many emotions that you are not sure how to deal with.

These could be:

Emotional –  Uncontrollable crying, agitation, restlessness, shame, fear, nightmares, numbness, guilt, frustration and hopelessness

Behavioural – deterioration in personal relationships, paranoid-like guardedness, avoidance, isolation, detachment and loss of identity.

You may also have physical injuries or financial losses as a result of the crime. For example, there may have been an assault, or your property may have been damaged.

My Support Space - Victim Support

You can sign up here to access a range of tools to help you cope and move forwards after crime. This is a free, safe, secure and confidential space where you can choose how you want to be supported after crime.


Contact a Samaritan

If you need someone to talk to, we listen. We won't judge or tell you what to do.

MIND Pembrokeshire

Find Help

No matter what your mental health problems may be, there’s someone there to support you.

Trans Aid Cymru

Our trans friendly GP map aims to help transgender and non-binary folk find a GP near them that will be affirming and trained in the new Welsh Gender Clinic pathway.

Shelter Cymru

Although the vast majority of our advice is the same regardless of your sexuality or gender identity we are aware that there are specific areas that affect people who identify as LGBTQ+ disproportionately compared to others.

Pride Cymru

It’s important to us at Pride Cymru to keep our community safe and so we wanted to highlight some support services that particularly help LGBTQ+ people.